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It’s 2022 and this year we are taking back over, in every aspect of our life. STARTING with your floors. I absolutely hate to break it to you.. but they just aren’t clean. Not Tineco clean anyway.

In 2020, I discovered the Tineco floor one S3. It has absolutely changed the game. Quick and always efficient. There is no other product that comes close, trust me I’ve definitely tried them.

I can mop all my floors, clean the machine, and pour myself a glass of wine; in the amount of time it took me to change my water after the first room with a regular mop.

I have recently purchased the Tineco S5 to compare to my S3 and it honestly doesn’t disappoint either. The price tag of the S5 isn’t my favorite, but that is where I come in. Head over to The Bargaining Bandit, where you’ll always get the best price!

It gets closer to the wall, has a bigger tank, and the newest technology.

Either way you decide to go, you will definitely win.